Sunday, August 21, 2011

Over Time

August 11, 2011
Journal Entry 
          After our class in DIR 102 and my GReG meeting with Dr. Sharon, I traveled again for two hours for taking a bus ride going to the office. I logged in at 2:39 in the afternoon. This day was different from the other days because I went home really late – over time at the office.
          When I was young, I often hear the word overtime from the people whose work is in the office. Now, I had experience doing it. It is not really that different, it just like you’ re doing your assignments at night. I overtime because I need to help our division. There were a lot of things to be done during that time. That is why I didn’t hesitate to volunteer to extend my time.
          Another good example that I saw was the unity of the people at OAA. Most of them were visiting our division and asking what they could do to help us. Even Ms. Joc, who’s a supervisor, helped me doing my clerk work. I went home late at about quarter to ten, but Ms Nadia, Sir Gines, Asec. Paez, Direc. Monica is still at the office when I leave. I don’t know what time they go home but I think its really late. They are really dedicated to their work.
          What’s good about extending my time is that I had a chance to talk again with Ms. Nadia, to Ms. Joc, and to another woman at the office who is retiring soon. They were all nice and kind. I don’t know what is up with the DFA but most of their employees were all humble.
          I thank God for taking me home safe and for all the experiences that I had during my practicum. All the praises is to Him alone.

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