Sunday, August 14, 2011

Knock, knock! a desire to reach others?

August 4, 2011
Journal Entry
It’s Thursday, the time of my practicum is in the afternoon. Again, I have to go long hours of travel to get there at the office. I think it will take me almost two hours for me to be there. It was sunny day; the typhoon was over, Thank God!
I arrived at DFA at exactly 2:13. Our South American Division was so busy during that week. I think they are preparing for a meeting that would be held at Brazil on this month. However, even they are so busy, I was not. I didn’t do much today.
I was just asked to find some documents, photocopy papers, to get something from another office, to answer the phone, and do what I could to help them. My tasks on this day were just light but I am happy to help them.
The highlight of my day is not on the work, but on the people around me. I had a chance to talk to Ms. Nadia. Though it was not a very long talk, but somehow, I had a chance to have a glimpse of her background. We also talked about applying at DFA, taking FSO exam, and I also had shared my interests and some of my dreams to her regarding my career. It was fun talking to her. One thing that I observed about her, even though she has a tons of things to do she manage to smile, talk to different people in and outside the office with respect, and with a smile. She considers every people who needs her help. As a result she gets along well with her boss and with her officemates. I want to be like her when it comes to managing stress, and how she gets along with the people around her at the work place. By the way, Ms. Nadia is a Muslim, despite her busy-ness, she didn’t make it a reason for her not to fast. I pray she’ll know the true and only one God while she is fasting. The day was over, I logged out at 6:22 pm.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your OJT experience last Thursday, Aubs. Keep it up! :D
