“The Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health and Population and Development Act of 2011,” also known as RH Bill, is now one of the much-debated topics in our country today. This Bill has become one of the major issues that the House of Representatives and the Senate talk about. The first time I heard about this bill, I just ignored it. I ignored it even more when I heard from other people that the RH bill is pro-abortion -- not knowing how important it is to our lives especially to less fortunate Filipinos, particularly to women and children.
I was not interested about the topic until we were obligated to study and have our own position of this Bill. The first person I asked about it was Ptr. Manric Tan-Pascual. I asked his opinion and knowledge on the said Bill. That was the first time that I was really informed clearly about the Bill. However, by that time I wasn’t really sure what would be my stand.
Further, I was given a chance to attend three meetings regarding RH Bill. One was at the Senate where Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago delivered her second sponsorship of the RH Bill. There, I learned a lot of things which I will share later. Another opportunity was when we had a chance to attend a symposium entitled “RH Bill as HR.” There, I heard different views and became aware of what is happening now to our country. The last opportunity was when we had a chance to meet Ms. Lynn from DSWD who taught us about women’s rights, including the RH Bill. Through those meetings, I became more knowledgeable about it and can now decide whether I agree with it or not.
I have noticed that the Filipinos’ opinion regarding this issue is just like mine before. When RH Bill becomes a topic, there will be two reactions: one negative reaction because they say it is pro-abortion; the second reaction will be to ignore it because they have little information about the Bill. These Filipinos, just like me before, are still uninformed with regards to what the RH Bill is all about. One of the things that I still remember now is what Sen. Pia Cayetano lectured to us -- “What the Bill is not.”
First, it does not promote or support abortion. Most people disagree with the bill because, as I have said, they thought it is pro-abortion. It is a misconception of the Bill. On the contrary, the RH Bill will ideally help lessen the rate of abortion in our country.[1]
Secondly, Sen. Pia says that “it is not a Bill that imposes one mode of family planning method on all.”[2] In fact one of the things that the Bill is anchored to is the freedom of choice which is stated in Sec. 3 paragraph (a) of RH Bill 4244. Filipinos will be allowed to choose which method to use based on their religious beliefs and also suitable to their needs.
Third, “It is not a bill that imposes a certain family size.”[3] For instance, RH Bill Section (20) talks about the ideal size of the family. The State will assist the couples and encourage them to have an ideal family size. The ideal family size here is composed of two children. However, if the family wishes to have more than two kids then “no punitive action shall be imposed to the parents if they want to have bigger family size.”
Fourth, “the Bill will not solve all the problems of our country.”[4] However, it will solve some of it. This Bill is anti-poverty. This was created to inform poor families about their choice in family planning. As we can see, the biggest family size where among the poor.
Fifth, “this is not a Bill that will teach 9 year olds how to use a condom. Neither does it promote sexual activity among the youth.”[5] The reality shows that teenagers were now engaged in pre-marital sex. Sadly, this happens to young people in our generation. Many girls in their adolescent age are already pregnant with their second baby. The Bill does not promote pre-marital sex but it helps prevent abortion and the rate of unwanted/ abandoned babies.
Since many women become pregnant because of their involvement in pre-marital sex, the RH Bill seeks to give parents and children a better sex education. Through this, they are not promoting either pre-marital sex or abortion, but are providing better knowledge so both could be prevented.
Moreover, Sen. Pia Cayetano on her sponsorship speech added what the Bill aims to:
1. Save the lives of the mother and the unborn.
2. Provide Filipinos with information on their reproductive health so they can make informed and intelligent decisions.
3. Provide Filipinos with access to health care facilities and skilled health professionals. [6]
Basically, the RH Bill promotes the rights of the women and at the same time help poverty decrease. It protects the health of every mother from any complications brought by her pregnancy that could cause death. It also protects the health and saves babies that could be affected of the complications of their mother.
The information that I have mentioned here is really different from what other people say or heresy. It takes an informed person to make his or her position, based on facts on the bill itself, and not on what other people are saying. Right now, the RH Bill is still on debate in the Senate. Sen. Enrile and Sen. Sotto are the ones who strongly oppose the Bill. In addition, the Catholic Bishops are also in opposition of the Bill because it is against their doctrine.
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