MALAYSIA shares border with Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, and Indonesia. Its capital city is Kuala Lumpur. It is composed of people groups such as Malays, Chinese, Indians, and other groups. Its government is a constitutional monarchy.
The language of Malaysia is known as Bahasa Malaysia, Bahasa means language.
Malaysia is a multi-cultural society. Their main ethic groups are the Malays. There is also a large number of population of Chinese and Indians. Each ethnic group maintain their traditions, practices, and religion. Actually each of them has public holidays which is the most important events in their culture.
Most of the ethnic groups settled on their own groups or circle. Only few marry outside their clan. Most of the children in Malaysia educated on the same school will also worked on the same offices.
Accordingly, despite the ethnic differences there are commonalities culturally speaking.(kwintessential)
With regards to group orientation, their families are the most important social structure. They respect for elderly, unity, and loyalty are important to them. They trusted their families not only on emotional support but also in financial. When a member of the family has financial difficulty they will help that member of their family.
These are some more information about Malaysia, and I know there are still a lot of things to be learned from them. What I wrote here is only basic informations. If we really want to know them, it is really a good idea to go personally to their country and see their culture.
I am excited to go there. I cant wait to meet the people of Malaysia.
source: http://www.kwintessential.co.uk/resources/global-etiquette/malaysia.html
Wow! Enjoy! I'm excited for you. Inggit din. I wanna go! Hahaha! :P