There are 784 people groups of Indonesia -- one of them are the Hindi. The term "Hindi" is an Aryan-language. Many of its language were borrowed from Sanskrit. (
The Hindi group of Indonesia are the Indians who accordingly, mostly the higher castes and educated people who leave India and migrate to other countries.
They were involved in the rivalry between Muslims and Hindu. The history says that before there was a conflict between Urdu speakers (Muslims) and the Hindi speakers (Hindu). There had a great tension between the two, so In 1947 the Pakistan and the Indians separate. From that moment Hindi becomes India's National language and Urdu becomes Pakistan's.
Like in India, the Hindi in Indonesia also had castes system. There is the Brahmas which is the highest, Kshatriyas the second to the highest level, Vaisyas, and last is the Sudras which is the lowest of all.
This people group when they transfered their place and live in Indonesia, they become more westernized. They drink wine and eat all kinds of meat but not beef. Cow is a sacred animal for them.
Most of these people in this group practice Hinduism, that is their primary religion. Not only that, they treat Hinduism as not only a religion but as a life style. They worship a god of good and evil. Further, they believe in karma and reincarnation.
These group came from a very terrible history. I remember the movie slum dog Millionaire in India. There was a part on that movie that shows how its like to have tension between Muslims and Hindus. It is really terrible and many dies.
Now, some of them who migrated, are now part of the ethnic group of Indonesia.
Their culture and beliefs form India still stands.
I believe that these people needs our prayers. We must pray that they may feel the love of God for them even their past wasn't that good. We must pray that peace would always be present in them. They may see visions, so that they may know the true and only on God.